Thursday, May 23, 2019

Billy Johns: Business Management Basics

Billy Johns—known by many as William Glenn Johns—is a successful business professional and entrepreneur. Johns understands the hard work, sacrifices, extensive oversight and myriad of tasks that go into managing a successful business. Ensuring smooth, efficient business operation often requires overseeing anything from marketing and finance operations to research and development, production, distribution, labor, and regulation and compliance.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Billy Johns: Qualities of a Good Property Management Company

Billy Johns, or William Glenn Johns, is a successful entrepreneur and business owner. He has ample experience in the field of property management—and appreciates the hard work and attention to detail that go into creating an effective, efficient property management firm. As he knows, good property management companies tend to have strong leadership, well-established relationships with quality vendors, firm standard operating procedures and a commitment to responsive tenant service.

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